
People say this house is hunted. Nobody knows whether it is or not. Someone died in the middle of the night when the spirit of herself went through the creaky door. The next night people said they saw a little girl walking around on the cobbled roads carrying a candle which was burning her skin until she vanished. The scene was horrible because a witch was cackling while flying away. People said that they thought that the whiteness who saw the haunted event was tired and they were dreaming. Only at that time this house caught on fire and a ghostly glow appeared.

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27 and 53,
“Go away.” Says he.
Michael creeps, he’s slowly nearing,
Not a sound, without him hearing,
That there is, a man with wings
Who unfairly, suffers many things.

27 and 53,
“What do you want?” Says he.Down in the dark, and dirty hall,There he lies, against the wall.He’s given up, on requesting a call.
He used to once, stand proud and tall.

27 and 53,
“Food of the gods.” Says he.Skellig seems, to never wake,
So much time, It will take.
When on earth, will the silence break?
There’s one small chance, of escape.