The thing that didn’t come

There was once a young lady who lived in a cottage with her mum. On one occasion, the king came round to supper, and the mum, being a show off, told the king that her daughter could spin wool into gold.Therefore, as the king was very greedy, he locked the lady (Whose name was Susan) in a tower and said if she didn’t spin ten tons of gold by the morning, he would chop off her head.O Corse, Susan could not spin gold,rumplestiltskin didn’t come, so the king had her head chopped off in the morning!

The Billy Goats Gruff

One day in a field where all was young there lived three goats and a mean old grumpy troll!For years the goats have tricked the troll to get to their glory, but this year’s different!  The 1st goat goes over the bridge but cannot hear “who’s that trip trapping over my bridge” so crosses straight away, followed by second and third goat.They are very confused.They see a large goat in the corner of the field “do you know where the troll is?” they ask. “I am the troll” he replies and gobbles them up in one bite.

Three Little Warriors

The Three Little Pigs were walking along when they saw the big bad wolf.  They ran for their lives, eventually they escaped the wolf and decided they needed to build forts.  The first pig made his fort from straw, the second pig from sticks and the third pig from bricks.  The wolf set fire to the straw fort, the first pig ran to the stick fort.  Then the wolf pulled apart the stick fort and the two pigs ran to the brick fort. The pigs shot the wolf with bows and arrows and the wolf ran away screaming “Mummy, Mummy”.

Snow White II

Snow’s stepmother went on a walk and was picking the reddest apples you can find. She was planning to poison it to give to her stepdaughter Snow White. When she was giving the poisoned apple to Snow White, she took the wrong one… she took a big bite out of the apple and it transformed her and her stepmother. Suddenly they became best friends. Together they decided to make their castle into a large shopping centre where all of the people from the near by villages could go when they needed something. They called it “Castle Shopping”

Poor Jack

Poor Jack – he had traded his beloved cow, swapping her for a handful of beans, but not ordinary beans these were magic beans. When he went home to his wicked auntie she was so furious she threw the beans out of the window. Jack was sent to bed without any supper. He awoke with a fright after a terrible dream about magic beanstalks and giants.  He looked through the window and there stood a magnificent beanstalk with giants approaching… he knew he had lost as the lead giant opened his scarred mouth and then crunch – Jack was gone!