Haunted Horror!

Emily went to Zoe’s house for a sleepover. They got all of the beds set so they didn’t have to do it later on when they went to bed. Zoe’s mum said go for a walk in the woods for a little bit because you’re a bit hyper. When Zoe and Emily were in the woods they heard some strange noises, which calmed them both down. What in the world was that?!?!


Look up! Can you see? ………You don’t even want to know!!!

They both ran back to the house faster than they had ever run before…

Snow White II

Snow’s stepmother went on a walk and was picking the reddest apples you can find. She was planning to poison it to give to her stepdaughter Snow White. When she was giving the poisoned apple to Snow White, she took the wrong one… she took a big bite out of the apple and it transformed her and her stepmother. Suddenly they became best friends. Together they decided to make their castle into a large shopping centre where all of the people from the near by villages could go when they needed something. They called it “Castle Shopping”


People say this house is hunted. Nobody knows whether it is or not. Someone died in the middle of the night when the spirit of herself went through the creaky door. The next night people said they saw a little girl walking around on the cobbled roads carrying a candle which was burning her skin until she vanished. The scene was horrible because a witch was cackling while flying away. People said that they thought that the whiteness who saw the haunted event was tired and they were dreaming. Only at that time this house caught on fire and a ghostly glow appeared.

Grub the Giant

It was late at night and I was having a dream about me meeting a big friendly giant called Grub.

‘‘Hello grub,’’ I said ”do you want to go to the park?”

“Ok,” said Grub sounding exited.

We both ran to the busy park. We raced to the swings,

Luckily nobody was on the swings so we could both play on them.

“I’m getting really board,” he said

“Why don’t you dig a hole in the ground,” I said

“Why not” he said

He was pushing through the earth like he wanted to get to Australia.


Suddenly I woke up thinking that dream was real.

Just me on my own

The crashes of the waves were coming from the storm 3 miles away.

I couldn’t get to sleep on that wood and sand. I finally got to sleep.

I woke up when a glass bottle hit my face, I decided to find a long reed and dry it so I could write on it. quickly I looked to see if there were any ships, no , but all I could see was water.

Finally the reeds had dried.   S.O.S    S.O.S

I was praying to god that soon someone would find the bottle with my message. I finally sent it off with all hope.

The Unique Gorilla

I went on holiday to Australia and we went to see our cousins. They decided to take us to the zoo. When we got there we had a little look in the shop. My mum said lets go and look at the kangaroos. So we went to go and see them getting fed. I wanted to go and see the gorillas. mum let us run off to see them. WOW…
It was a pink gorilla laughing on his grand bicycle riding through a pond singing row, row, row, your boat. We were laughing so hard we could barely breath.

Our Day Out

It was my brother’s birthday on the 19th of July and we decided to go out and have a meal. First he opened a few of his presents. We let him play with some of his favourite presents. We finally got to the place where we were going to have lunch.

I had nachos and melted cheese, it was delicious. For my main course I had fish and chips with homemade tomato ketchup.

I was stuffed, so I had a rest… I finally ordered some flapjack and custard.
I took one mouthful… ewwww!

The custard tasted like mouldy, old, damp sandwiches!!!

The Forest of Doom

Zoe, Emily and Holly were just about to go on a hack in the forest of doom. Zoe’s mum said we had to take a phone incase we get lost.

Zoe tacked up Dolly and Busy while Holly chopped up some carrots and apples. Emily tacked up tommy’s pony, we all gave them 1 polo each.

We set of on my and tommy’s ponies and we started to get really deep into the freaky forest. Holly’ pony spooked; luckily she was able to calm dolly down.

We could hear a scary noise it sounded like a pack of hungry wolves…

And then the noise stopped

Dear Friend

Dear friend,

The whole world knows about the typhoon, we are all really sorry that it has struck you and your family. Lots of people have been lost or really badly injured. All this news is very emotional and sad.

Our country is giving money to your area to try and give you food, water, clothes and new homes. I hope you are safe soon and you get another strong home. I feel really sorry that you have a massive shock with the hurricane. People are sending you as much as they can.

Thank you

 Best of wishes
