Application to be a Night Zookeeper

It would be a privilege to protect extraordinary animals and fight against evil monsters from the Land of Nilth. It requires a lot of skill to become a Night Zookeeper and that’s why I think I would be good at it, firstly, I’m small, which would come in handy when I need to crawl under a piece of scaffolding to chase after a dark wizard. Secondly, I’m a world champ boxer which will be useful for destroying the stealth Lord of Darkness. If you let me join up, animals’ lives will be saved from the monsters of Nilth.

Night Zookeeper Application

I have always wanted to become a night zookeeper here are some reasons why. Firstly, I want to be a night zookeeper because I want to stop the Nilth monsters from attacking. Secondly, I think I would be a good night zookeeper because I am brave and skillful. Thirdly, I am good at running and could become a good man for catching monsters. Fourthly, I am very good at shooting bow and arrows and could shoot a monster easily. Finally, I could catch a monster with my sword and stop it from eating the zoo animals. Please vote for me.