Loom Bands

One sunny morning Lucy went to the shop to buy some loom bands because at her school it was a big craze.

As Lucy was strolling quickly to the shops, she saw lots of people with the bracelets on their wrist. When she finally arrived at the shop, she went in and wandered around. She still couldn’t see the packs, but she could see people going out of the shop with them. Then she went to the shopkeeper and asked,

“Do you have any packets of loom bands?”

“Yes but I’m afraid it’s the last one” he replied.

Lucy paid happily and went home to show her friends.

Tim and Tina’s Chicks

Twins named Tim and Tina were excited about Easter because not only they’ll get lot’s of chocolate, they’re also getting one chick each. At Easter they got their chicks. Tina’s was a girl and Tim’s was a boy. Tina named hers Chickette and Tim decided Chicky. They are adorable. Eventually they turned into chickens. Most days they would lay eggs. The whole family were having egg on bread for breakfast. The twins went and got the eggs from their chickens but when they got there, there wasn’t enough. They both went back and said, “But I couldn’t find the eggs that we needed. There wasn’t enough.”

There’s a World I Know.

There’s a world I know,with ostriches and fairies,disastrous flowers and massive chickens.There’s swords and silver birds,conifer trees too.There’s blank joy.Ducks form the beginning of life.In majestic oceans of lemonade,rainbow fishes swim about.There are pigs that explode,and come together again.Polishes for dirtiness,mature orcs, eating ugliness,despairing desolate decorations,steaming water babies,vegetarians with sparks of hope.And once I reached down to someFiery lights over golden treasureAnd there were rainbow jewels.In the air,Fluffy clouds of candyfloss,which hold eagle eyries within,but I couldn’t find the egg, in the nest.

Cracking Time

One afternoon me and my friend went for a walk in a field, we went through wet long green grass,when we came to a sign saying eggs for sale we thought mmm eggs we could take them home for tea, so we followed the signs, then we eventually came to a kissing gate, we walked through the courtyard, then we came to the animals, still we were following the signs,our trainers were squelching in mud, then we eventually came to the barn we looked we for the eggs but we couldn’t find the eggs anywhere just chickens ah no eggs for tea. 

The Easter Egg Hunt

One day my mum planned to have a easter egg hunt with my friends at my house.  So all my friends started to arrive.  After that  the easter egg hunt began first I found one then everyone else did so there was one left but I couldn’t find the egg, I was looking for ages believe it or not.  So it came to the end of the day as my friends were all leaving happy and well looking forward to eating their chocolate.  But  I carried on looking for that one egg. Then I found it behind the blue old garden shed.

The Jaguar

Deep in the thick undergrowth of the Columbian jungle a lost caveman was trying to survive. Through the day he had been collecting materials to build a shelter to protect him against the vicious night animals. It was coming to the end of the day, only then did the caveman decide to put together his shelter.Watching the caveman was a furious jaguar hiding in the bush. When the sun had fallen and the caveman was still working on his shelter, the jaguar pounced; the caveman fell to the ground in pain. “But I thought I had enough time,” shouted the caveman.

The test

At school thinking all was the same, strolling into the classroom I see disaster had struck. I look down at the table   I see a test laid in front of me. I was startled scared frightened loads of words coming out of me. I was asked to sit. My tummy was puzzled, my mind jumbling up into a big ball. I didn’t do that well on my last test. I hear my teachers loud  voice say one minute left! The swirls in my head all blurted BUT I THOUGHT I HAD ENOUGH TIME!!! . I had not even started.

The Last Thought

I finally thought I was ready. I cautiously climbed out of our little rabbit hole and peered through the dark gloomy night seeing if there was any danger around. There luckily wasn’t so I stepped forward hesitating at each step listening and looking. Then suddenly I felt as if I was being watched. It was like something cold and sharp stabbed me, I knew something wasn’t right so I stopped, lay down and kept quiet as a mouse. It was only then that I knew what was happening. All at once the crafty fox pounced at me, I thought I had enough time to call help but sadly that was the last thought that ever went through my head……..

The Late Bride

One day there was a wedding in Cornwall, it was now 9:00am  and the wedding was at10:45, the bride was just having here hair and makeup done. The groom wasn’t even ready, When he finally headed over to the church, he realised he forgot the flowers, and the best man forgot the rings. So they went back to the hotel to get everything, and they said to each other look its 10:35 we only have 10 minutes ! BUT THEY THOUGHT THEY HAD ENOUGH TIME but they didn’t, they finally arrived at the church at 11:00, luckily the bride was  late too, and the vicar got lost so they finally got married at noon!


It was another long tiring day. I was strolling in the silent forest looking for wood in order to build a gigantic house.  I carefully walked over to the edge of a jagged cliff. First I selected craft and  then one by one I carefully stacked them to form walls.  The fiery, blazing sun was going down and I knew I had to hurry up.  Sunset fell – a group of zombie pigmen came charging at me and hit me with their dimond swords – I stumbled and fell in pain …but I thought I had enough time… to construct a safe house.   All went black and the zombies ran off.